Session 2

About my favourite piece of technology...

My favorite piece of technology is the Computer!. Indeed has been very useful in my life since I was very young I had served in the fun as in the studies.

Use a computer is very easy, just press one button and you get everything in your hands; but previously, to use a Pc was not very simple, you had learn using in the DOS mode. Working on a pc with white letters and black background and only through codes was not as friendly to use, but the great change came when the new technology came, windows. In my opinion, Windows made easier to use the PC, transforming it more friendly to DOS mode, and each year gets better.
<---------- The DOS mode :(

I really was not that it would be without my computer, because if you mixed with the Internet, are an indispensable tool in the world of all homes, especially for me, for my is very important tool in the study of Veterinary Medicine.

Greetings to all fans of PC's!

bye! :)

Greetings to all fans of PC's!

bye! :)

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