Session 6: My favourite animal :D


I like many animals, for example felines like Lions or Tigers, but the most strong, beautiful and faithful is the Horse, and is my favourite animal. :D

The Horses to belong of family Equidae, a quadruped characterized by that in their legs have a one hoof and no fingers.

The horse lives among us several million years ago and I think our evolution as human beings would not be the same without the them. The horses are characterized by gregarious animals, this means that live in herds, and perhaps for this and other reasons such as their temperament and eating habits (herbivorous) could be tamed.

In truth, I lack of awareness to this beautiful animal, each week I marvel at them more and more. Each with its individual temperament that makes it unique to each horse. It can tell if you're really sad or happy, they can manifest their behavior. I realize this because recently I started riding lessons at the faculty, an activity that takes me out of the boring routine every week, especially at the end of the year that everything is more difficult with the closure of the semester.

In my opinion is a fascinating animal that I would be happy to devote myself to them for the rest of my life. You learn to know them and form a relationship of unconditional love in which this animal could be summarized in a few words ...

For its beauty, and loyalty above all.

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