In our lifes we have many challenges and our area is not a exception.

The technology is always important today and the veterinary medicine doesn't scape. It's a great helper in all of areas, like medicine of pets, exotic animals,horses, livestock, epidemiology, ecology...each area of veterinary medicine needs the technology. This is reflected not only in devices such as ultrasound or safer anesthesia machines, also for example, in pharmacology with new drugs with better results and less painful treatment. This is reflected not only in devices such as ultrasound or safer anesthesia machines, also for example, in pharmacology with new drugs with better results and less painful treatment. This is reflected not only in devices such as ultrasound or safer anesthesia machines, also for example, in pharmacology with new drugs with better results and less painful treatment. All this technology will help us in the future to make better diagnoses, better treatments do, to sum we'll help us become better professionals.

Inescapably we live in society and we must therefore be a contribution to this. First of all be good people, be good colleagues and also help our pets that make many people happy and protect the health safety of foods daily, such as beef, milk and cheese. And be employed in case of disasters, that with our training can be a great contribution in emergencies, helping people and animals.

Education is another important point and is closely tied to society. It is our duty as future veterinarians teach people about responsible ownership, care of our pets and build a new culture with respect to animal health vision, which is vital for them as it is for us, and to show the country that we are the only ones who can ensure the health of pets and anyone else. Another point is well educated and hopefully with the support of parliament, to eradicate animal abuse.

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