Session 10: Final session! Essay

Ten years ago I would not have done the same scandal that today when my mom say me "Fer, the computer is without internet!". It is very funny to think the dependence of something abstract like internet, derived from technology but this is a really and not scape of our career. The use of technology in veterinary medicine is increasingly common and necessary and our subjects are not a exception. Some more than others use it, but to sum up the technology is now part of our lives. To continue in this essay, I'll talking about the use of technology in my subjects.

For beginning the use of internet, important part of the technology, is today a necessity. This reflects for instance in the send of papers from differents subjects like farmacology or microbiology, or the class slides of most of subjects. all of this we help us to the study, because it's brings us the items seen in class. apart of this is a very confiable source, because teachers are those who send the papers and slides. But all is not always good, because this encourages absenteeism to classes and for this reason not all of teachers send the slides for u-cursos. very bad thing because for the irresponsibility of someone, teachers don't send us the slides. For another hand, other teachers love internet and u-cursos, for example the doctor Köbrich from "economic and administrative bases" likes so much use u-cursos, even the last exam, we needed to used the u-cursos plataform to send and obtain the qualifications. For this and much more I cry when in my house doesn’t have internet.

Secondly, it's common to talk about slides, papers online, interesting videos from practises in ground in youtube... But I thinking about it, ten years ago, How done to study of classes? Is hard to think for our generation accustomed to the comforts of technology, but What happened if the technology disappear? For lovers of it and retractors of tech, will feel the absence of it. Certainly is part of our lives and would be impossible to custom again to live without technology.

To sum up, the technology progress is vertiginous, very fast and more and more bring us confort and in my opinion, this leads more access to our subjects through internet, and acquire knowledge will be most easy than before. But for this works, we should change, envolve, for adapt to new times and exploit all potencial we have just started to show.


In our lifes we have many challenges and our area is not a exception.

The technology is always important today and the veterinary medicine doesn't scape. It's a great helper in all of areas, like medicine of pets, exotic animals,horses, livestock, epidemiology, ecology...each area of veterinary medicine needs the technology. This is reflected not only in devices such as ultrasound or safer anesthesia machines, also for example, in pharmacology with new drugs with better results and less painful treatment. This is reflected not only in devices such as ultrasound or safer anesthesia machines, also for example, in pharmacology with new drugs with better results and less painful treatment. This is reflected not only in devices such as ultrasound or safer anesthesia machines, also for example, in pharmacology with new drugs with better results and less painful treatment. All this technology will help us in the future to make better diagnoses, better treatments do, to sum we'll help us become better professionals.

Inescapably we live in society and we must therefore be a contribution to this. First of all be good people, be good colleagues and also help our pets that make many people happy and protect the health safety of foods daily, such as beef, milk and cheese. And be employed in case of disasters, that with our training can be a great contribution in emergencies, helping people and animals.

Education is another important point and is closely tied to society. It is our duty as future veterinarians teach people about responsible ownership, care of our pets and build a new culture with respect to animal health vision, which is vital for them as it is for us, and to show the country that we are the only ones who can ensure the health of pets and anyone else. Another point is well educated and hopefully with the support of parliament, to eradicate animal abuse.


Hello everybody!

My dear faculty... I think my faculty isn’t too bad, but we can do more for it. This year in the faculty, have been did a lot of things, in especial in the equestrian area, the authorities order to built a riding school (picadero), a troya and more related infrastructure like more stables. All of this is very good, en especial for the horse lover people.

However not all is good and it has things that not I like. Is very embarrasing to know that we are a one of featured faculties in the country and have some animals in poor conditions. One thing most importants to resolve of this situation is the feed, is a bad quality straw and the excuse roughly is "We have not more money for best feed". Maybe te excuse is truth, but always we have choices. In this context, I was thinking about this and reflecting, the terrain in Antumapu is very big (a lot of ha) enough to plow, seed and harvest to good quality feed, like ryegrass, clover, oats and thus, we can save money on food for our animals. We would improve the infrastructure for this.
Obviously is would only a propose and don't mean that I have a reason and pure true. Perhaps is not feasible, but is my opinion and I can err.

To sum up, this is a thing that more worry me and wrong our faculty, if we resolve this, we can change our face about the careful of animals and preach with the example.


Session 7: Summary from a career-related article from the guardian

Sea The Stars may earn more than Cristiano Ronaldo
• Sea The Stars has been retired to stud
• Horse could earn owners £653,000 a week in 2010

Trainer John Oxx and owner Christopher Tsui have decided to retire “Sea The Stars” to stud, despite of that this horse is the best racehorse for at least 20 years, is likely to eclipse the weekly earning power of Cristiano Ronaldo during the next breeding season.

No stud fee has yet been set for Sea The Stars, who won six top-class races during an unbeaten season in 2009 and became the first horse in history to win the 2,000 Guineas, the Derby and the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe, something umplublished from 1989.

However William Hill yesterday opened a book on the eventual fee, with a sum between €90,000 and €110,000. That suggests Sea The Stars could earn around €700,000 a week for his owners during the breeding season in 2010. In the first year of his six-year deal at Real Madrid, by contrast, Ronaldo is paid a basic salary of €237,000 a week.

Oxx said that Sea The Stars's speed was his greatest attribute. "His success was down to a combination of everything, but the main thing is his speed. He has tremendous cruising speed. He can just travel off any pace totally at ease and then he can quicken up off it. Then there is his temperament, and it is courage and temperament that bring the good horses to a different level."

Session 6: My favourite animal :D


I like many animals, for example felines like Lions or Tigers, but the most strong, beautiful and faithful is the Horse, and is my favourite animal. :D

The Horses to belong of family Equidae, a quadruped characterized by that in their legs have a one hoof and no fingers.

The horse lives among us several million years ago and I think our evolution as human beings would not be the same without the them. The horses are characterized by gregarious animals, this means that live in herds, and perhaps for this and other reasons such as their temperament and eating habits (herbivorous) could be tamed.

In truth, I lack of awareness to this beautiful animal, each week I marvel at them more and more. Each with its individual temperament that makes it unique to each horse. It can tell if you're really sad or happy, they can manifest their behavior. I realize this because recently I started riding lessons at the faculty, an activity that takes me out of the boring routine every week, especially at the end of the year that everything is more difficult with the closure of the semester.

In my opinion is a fascinating animal that I would be happy to devote myself to them for the rest of my life. You learn to know them and form a relationship of unconditional love in which this animal could be summarized in a few words ...

For its beauty, and loyalty above all.

Session 5: What to do and where to go in Santiago

What I could recommend places of Santiago to a foreigner?. In truth I am not a connoisseur of my city, but I'll try. One place I like most of Santiago, is the San Cristobal hill. There could be divided into two attractions to recommend, as is the metropolitan zoo and the monument to the Virgin Mary. The zoo is very entertaining, with many animals from around the world, very educational.

Second place is very appealing especially for Catholics, a large sculpture of 14 meters high and weighing 36.600 kg. It is very beautiful stand at the foot of the monument and also if it’s night, the Virgin is changing color, something very beauty. A third great place to learn is the "Barrio Bellavista" especially at night, which has a high activity of pubs, bars and discotheques. For tourists who like the nightlife, Bellavista is a good option, but always with caution that sometimes security is not very good, but personally I have never been robbed or something.
Another interesting place to visit place is the "Parque Padre Hurtado" located in the commune of La Reina and Las Condes. Very attractive especially in the month of September, for the Fiestas Patrias of our Country. The municipalities have made a series of activities such as tipical games, Rodeo samples, sale of many crafts, highly recommended for any tourist visiting Santiago for the month of September.

And finally a very beautiful area within the metropolitan area and in my opinion the most beautiful of all is the "Cajon del Maipo". It's where a foreigner can do many outdoor activities, from a simple walk to a hill, visiting waterfalls, horseback riding, picnic leave until canopy, rafting and paragliding for the more extreme foreign.

Well, those are the places that I recommend to any foreigner who comes to Santiago and I agree with several of my classmates with places to visit.
Good bye! :D

Session 3: Transantiago

Hi! :D

Transantiago, a topic that is or was heavily criticized by the public for some time but now is less news than before. This new system began operating in 2007 and already has over 2 years that has not yet been perfected, but has improved considerably. The problem was the most criticized and most lasting was the frequency of buses. You could be up to an hour waiting for a bus, and they passed, they passed it on to two or three, without sync because the GPS system was not working, promises that have been said, but not realized. Good things of this system is new technology used, as is the BIP! card, This served to modernize public transport and not pay with coins and served also in less discrimination for students in schools and universities.

Personally, I prefer this system as the previous amount of yellow buses. It's much more comfortable paying with the BIP!card that with the coins and also significantly decrease discrimination, many times the buses did not stop just because I was in school uniforms, sometimes even forced me off the bus, because they had no change. Well, to sum up, the system is working much better now than before, just need to improve important aspects, such as those that are uploaded by the rear doors of buses and do not pay, but ultimately the system is much better than that of yellow buses and should be given more time to work well. byeee!